Is Pokemon Go Still Worth it? Answered

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Pokemon Go was launched in 2016 and quickly became a sensation among kids and youngsters. And why not? Who didn’t love watching Ash catching Pokemons and fantasizing about being among the players?

This game realized our fantasy and that too in such a way that feels real. It integration of Augmented Reality (AR) was that powerful. But what about now? Is it still as amazing as it was back in the day?

To answer that, here is the full review of Pokemon Go from our team at Insiderbits. Read it on.

Pokemon Go: App Overview and Features


Pokemon Go brings the world of Pokemon to the real world. Thus, you can explore and discover anywhere and catch them to complete your Pokedex. As you journey along with them, help your buddies to get stronger so when the time comes, they are battle-ready.

Isn’t it what you wanted when you were a kid? Thus, this resulted in over a billion downloads for this game across platforms and being named as “Best Mobile Game” by the Game Developers Choice Awards and “Best App of the Year” by TechCrunch.

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What’s Going on With Pokemon Go

After the initial hype, there is surely a significant dip in the number of players. Partially it can be credited to the arrival of more interesting games such as PUBG and Call of Duty mobile. But still, it remains a financially successful business with a revenue of $646.14 million in 2022. 

Thus, currently, the intensity of its heat has settled down with gamers on both sides of the spectrum. 

It still enjoys an engaged community filled with passionate players. Its developer, Niantic, is also very active in improving the game’s experience further with new Pokémon, events, features, and gameplay mechanics which leaves a possibility for its rise again.

On the other side, there are some concerns raised with recent changes. For example, some players have expressed dissatisfaction with changes like reduced PokéStop and Gym interaction distances. A few of its revenue sources like Raid Pass and Incubator are deemed as too expensive.

All this paints the picture of why the craze for Pokemon Go and its number of players have gone low. Nonetheless, it is much more successful than most of the games.

Latest Features:

  1. Shadow raids – These challenging raids feature Shadow Pokemon with powerful movesets. You can purify these Pokemon once you defeat them which makes them even stronger.
  1. Elite raids – Get rare rewards like Legendary Pokemon encounters by participating in Elite raids. However, it requires a large group of players.
  1. Access to Eggs-pedition – It is a subscription that gives you access to exclusive rewards like increased Egg Incubator effectiveness, bonus Buddy Candy, and special encounters. 
  1. Buddy adventure levels – Your Buddy Pokemon can now reach higher Adventure levels. This unlocks new perks like an increased Candy earn rate and the ability to join you in Raids and Gyms. 
  1. Remote raid passes and trading – This allows you to participate in Raids and trade Pokemon with friends no matter how far you are.

Pokemon Go: Pros and Cons


  1. Gets you moving – Pokemon Go is an AR game that shows you Pokemon in the real world with the help of a mobile camera. Thus, you will have to move around to catch them.
  1. Build social connections – It encourages you to interact with other players. This builds a sense of community and an opportunity to meet like-minded people.


  1. Drains battery and uses data – Playing Pokemon Go can significantly eat up your battery and data. So carefully manage them or you may have to pay additionally for data top-ups.
  1. Safety concerns – Its immersiveness has become one of the most dangerous things about it. Players, especially children, are prone to accidents as move around so immersed in the game that they forget to keep an eye on their surroundings.
Android & iOS

Related: What is Google Play Pass and Is It Worth It?

Verdict: Is Pokemon Go Still Worth it?

It depends on whether you are a die-hard fan of Pokemon or a gaming enthusiast looking for a new game to master. For general gamers looking for new excitement, there are better options available in the gaming market.

However, you will love it regardless of its few concerns if you are a Pokemon fan.


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