How to use apps for professional networking


Using a professional networking app is the most effective way to expand your connections effortlessly. With a few clicks, you’ll be well on your way to unlocking chances and growing your career.

It is an alternative aimed at the use of new digital technologies. At Insiderbits, we guide you by means of these platforms that you can take advantage of to look for work or grow your job prospects.

Why use a professional networking app


It was to be expected that, in the digital age, professional interaction would find a space to progress using applications. Online platforms make building solid business relationships possible.

Many meetings, parties, meetings, events…, have migrated from a physical space to a digital one. As it happens with social networks, each networking application can be used to, for example:

•      Connect with a definite audience.

•      Promote content in a particular format.

•      Offer samples of your work.

Since there are so many alternatives, the need arises to know the most appropriate way to use the different applications for professional connections. At Insiderbits, we share the following recommendations so that you can improve your online networking skills through practice.

Your profile in a networking professional app

It is a process quite similar to generating a social profile, only you must have some considerations. In any professional profile, it is expected to find a series of data that allows the company or job to be identified. For this reason, it is vital to assemble it with some specific data, such as:

•      Name of the company or occupation.

•      Field or activity to which you are dedicated.

•      Specify the tasks you perform.

•      Some examples of projects, services, or products to which the company or professional is dedicated.

•      Geographic location.

Think of including your contact and company data. Like this, clients or colleagues who need your services will be able to contact you quickly and relate with you.

Add other professionals

Ideally, you can make a multidisciplinary network focused on your field. For example, if your field is a photographer, you can interact with event organizers, audiovisual content producers, modeling academies, and more.

Likewise, it is a good idea to interact with other colleagues who can learn from you and you from them. Or also that they can collaborate to cover or hold an event together. Bear in mind that the purpose of online networking is to grow professionally with the assistance of a community.

Interact with your community in a networking professional app

Many professionals stop growing in online networking due to a need for more consistency. Digital communities are characterized by constantly practicing interaction.

Hence, it is essential that you interact with your net. To do this, share content from your allied accounts, like their posts, and even participate in some of their dynamics.

Join and participate in groups

A common practice is the creation of professional groups. Do you have the possibility of joining one? Accept the invitation. It would also be an excellent idea if you could be the one to create one. Valuable information is often shared in groups. For example:

• Hold forums or debates around a topic of your specialty.

• Ask for advice and recommendations regarding a specific aspect.

• Ask them to follow you.

• Publish job offers.

The good thing about groups is that they are a means of meeting colleagues where you can start with a request for advice and end with some collaboration.

Create original content

A good idea to stand out within your contact network is to create original content. Differentiation is essential. For this, you need to spend some time getting to know the type of content that is usually published on the platform where you are.

Likewise, you should know who your target audience is so that you can create content based on their needs. The idea of promoting yourself in digital windows and telling followers that you have something important to say or, failing that, that what you say, you do it in a unique way.

Try diverse platforms to get a professional networking app

The possibilities of clients or increasing professional networks increase the more advertising windows you have. An advantage of the digital ecosystem is the possibility of reaching millions of people through different channels from the computer.

Try to have a presence on various platforms. Nowadays, it is possible to find many options available. In addition to LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, X, and TikTok, others are specialized. At Insiderbits, we will discuss them with you at a later time.

Discover more tools that contribute to your professional growth by browsing our website, Insiderbits. Enjoy informative, current, and innovative content while learning more about the exciting world of digital technology and its application in business.


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