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There are still few people who know that they can learn to play using a free piano app. It is no secret that music is an art with great power. However, in a practical sense, it is a difficult skill to develop.

However, technology has been characterized since its beginnings by its purpose of making our lives easier. Music does not escape this wave of converting complicated skills into accessible abilities. That is why we will show you how to learn piano from your cell phone below.

How to learn piano through a free app


A free piano app can provide many essential tools to get you started in the music world. Learning any musical instrument is a skill developed through practice and consistency. It is also complemented by crucial knowledge of music theory.

On the other hand, each musician or aspiring instrumentalist may have a particular purpose. In this sense, finding an application that contains the ideal program, considering the learner’s aspirations is relevant. That is why it is necessary to establish a specific purpose when starting the learning process.

What can I learn from Piano Lessons for Beginners?

free piano app provides comprehensive content for those looking to learn on this device. Thus, one of its essential features is that it is structured for learners. Consequently, it is entirely usable if you are starting on the piano.

By completing its content, this platform allows you to develop the ability to play any primary song. That is why it explores everything from the basic theory of piano playing to understanding chords. Likewise, this app provides a series of modules in which it distributes all its content.

Module 1: Piano Basics

As we can guess from its name, the first module of this platform works as an introduction. This section includes instructions that introduce the learner to the basic concepts necessary for playing the piano. In addition, the learner is instructed to know the piano structurally to become familiar with it.

Therefore, the program complements the module by teaching harmonics on the piano. The relevance of this last section lies in the fact that it is put into practice in a subsequent phase. In this way, the module concludes with practicing essential songs using the piano.

Module 2: Course evaluation

The second section of this free piano app is primarily evaluative. The program emphasizes the basic piano theory in the previous module, thereby refreshing essential elements for piano practice.

Much of the content is complemented by a series of lessons designed for beginners. This phase becomes relevant because it delves deeper into practice to optimize learning. Finally, the module closes with an intuitive evaluation of everything presented in the program.

Benefits of free piano app

Beyond the educational content of this free piano app, it has several specific features. First, it is essential to emphasize that its structure is designed to train beginners. Likewise, this program also has several benefits, such as those we will mention below:

  • Alison Certification. You must pass the program with at least 80% in all evaluations to obtain this certification. It makes it easier to certify the learning developed during the program on your resume.
  • CPD Accreditation. This complement ensures optimal learning. This is because this program promises a constant update of its content. Therefore, you can stay at the forefront of theory and practice about the piano.

With all these tools, this free piano application promises complementary content. In this way, it is presented as an affordable opportunity to start or grow in your career as a musician of this instrument.

Results with Piano Lessons for Beginners

With this platform, you can learn how to play this instrument. Through its learning program, you will acquire essential piano operation tools. In addition, it is complemented with music theory lessons. Other elements that you can find in the free piano application are the following:

  1. 방법 recognize each of the white and black keys on the keyboard. Likewise, the reason for their distribution and their functions.
  2. 방법 list the musical notes. This is because it is one of the essential phases in any area of ​​music.
  3. You will learn to identify a “tone,” “semitone,” and “accidental.” In addition to how to apply them to music through the piano.
  4. The reason for identifying the main scale for every musical key.
  5. You will learn how to relate the tonic sofas in each position to the musical numerical system.
  6. How to describe chord inversions in music.
  7. Recognize the notes and the composition of chords that are played simultaneously in a song

Basic music theory is taught, as this is a critical phase for getting started in music. From this point on, instruction is given in executing these basic lessons on the instrument.

Certification with a free piano app

Alison, a music teaching agency, has published this platform. In this sense, it offers educational content utterly free of charge as an academy. However, to access the official certification, you must pass with at least 80% in each evaluation of the program.

On the other hand, to acquire a diploma guaranteed by Alison, you must make a transaction through the free piano application. Finally, it can be considered a recommended learning program for beginner musicians and piano enthusiasts.


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