채팅 GPT 4의 필수 프롬프트


Artificial intelligence has become one of the most important topics today. Since the launch of Chat GPT in November 2022, we have been impressed by the capabilities of these language models to generate quality answers to practically any question.

Chat GPT 4 is the latest version of the LLM (language model), and its ability to give answers indistinguishable from those of a human expert is something we can verify for ourselves. What is the secret? The prompts are the instructions we provide to the language model to generate a response.


In the following article, we will examine the main features of Chat GPT 4, provide some examples of prompts for the most diverse tasks, and give you the keys to creating prompts that generate high-quality responses. Let us begin!

What is Chat GPT 4, and how does it work?

Chat GPT 4 is an Artificial Intelligence chatbot that incorporates GPT 4 technology, a powerful language model (LLM) developed by the company OpenAI, and is capable of helping us with tasks ranging from writing a post for your blog to analyzing the competition of your business.

This software can take your instructions and generate impressive responses, adapting them to specific styles, tones, and genres. It also generates code to, for example, create an application or website and translate up to 26 languages.

Unlike GPT-3, which was already impressive, GPT 4 takes this technology to another level. Chat GPT 4’s ability is based on its training with billions of parameters (concepts and words). It allows it to understand the context of your instructions and respond precisely and with frightening coherence.

It is a technology transforming the world of professional, work, artistic, economic, financial, and you to count since it has applications for virtually all niches, industries, or sectors. Although it has yet to reach perfection, it can boost work productivity incredibly.

Chat GPT 4 is currently considered a disruptive tool with potential that we are just learning to take advantage of. Its capabilities can, without exaggeration, improve people’s lives, transform your business, or bring your creative activities to levels you had not imagined.

Main features of GPT 4 Chat technology

Each version of GPT they have released has represented a leap, and the case of Chat GPT 4 has been the most significant so far. Let’s see now what features it brings us:

Multimodal. Unlike previous versions, it is capable of understanding and translating images. What does this mean? Can you generate text from visual data, such as a diagram or a photo? It includes everything from creating the copy for an image to the Alt text for a blog image to developing the entire code for a website.

Complex tasks. This model marked a notable difference from the previous ones, demonstrating an essential advance in the performance of more complex tasks, which require the consideration of nuances. For example, it has improved up to 80% in legal tasks and subjects such as Chemistry or Physics.

Multilingual. This model supports up to 26 languages and has been proven accurate in responding. However, everything indicates that its maximum effectiveness is demonstrated in English since this has followed the language with which the model has been trained. Let’s say English is your native language.

Parameters. Reports from specialized American media have established that the model uses 1 billion parameters. The OpenAI company itself has not given an official figure in this regard, denying that the model uses 100 billion, which is the rumor that had spread.

What are prompts, and why is it important to learn how to use them?

The secret, or art, behind learning to use Artificial Intelligence chats like Chat GPT 4 to get the best answers is in the prompts. Prompts are the instructions or indications that we give to the language model so that it provides us with the response we want.

To see it clearly, you can imagine that Chat GPT is like the genie that lies inside the magic lamp and that you make a wish every time you give it instructions. As you will remember, desires must be well planned to make everything as you expect. It is how prompts work.

In this way, the coherence, precision, and relevance of the answers that the language model gives you are proportional to how well-structured and precise the prompt used is. Thus, the better instructions you give to the model, the better responses you will receive. Hence, the term “prompt engineering” emerged.

If you are starting to use Chat GPT 4, you should know that the logic of these prompts applies to all AI systems and that, depending on the task you are performing, you will have to structure your prompt in one way or another.

Now that you know that prompts are the way to interact with AI, let’s look at some basic and advanced examples.

Examples of prompts for you to start using GPT 4 in your daily life

The so-called Prompts Engineering was born to get the best GPT Chat messages, apart from the fact that they are beneficial for understanding how the language model works with information and analyzing how it responds to the different instructions we give it.

A basic instruction usually begins with a verb that indicates what we want. Next, let’s look at some basic prompts to get you started using Chat GPT 4 today:

  • “Write an exercise routine for a month.”
  • “Make a list of 10 movies about aliens.”
  • “Summarizes the book Atomic Habits by James Clear.”
  • “Give me ten business ideas I can start on the Internet.”
  • “Translate into Spanish (here, you open quotes and put the text you want to translate).
  • “Make a summary with this text’s ten most salient points (here you open quotes, paste the text, and close quotes).

Also, you can make a new prompt with the response that Chat GPT has given you and thus create a sequence of prompts for a specific purpose. For example:

  1. “Write a list with three business ideas for 2024.”
  2. “Now, give me a thematic structure for a blog post with idea number 1.”
  3. “Now, use the structure to develop an 800-word blog article.”

In 인사이더비트, become an expert in Chat GPT 4. Next, let’s see how to structure the prompts to create an optimized prompt ready to get the best Chat GPT messages.

How do you create prompts that generate high-quality responses with Chat GPT 4?

To use Chat GPT 4 and make the most of this new technological era, you must always consider that the quality of the answers the tool will give you will be provided by the quality of your instructions or prompts. Now, let’s see how to convert a basic or generic instruction into a quality one.

Generic prompt example:

“Give me 5 title ideas for a sustainable teacup brand.”

Now, let’s look at an example of an optimized prompt:

“As a marketing expert, please come up with five names for our eco-friendly tea cup brand. Please consider that the sales proposal’s strong point is that it is an eco-sustainable, biodegradable product made with bamboo. The slogan should be three to seven words. Don’t use the word “green.” The goal is to condense the ecological spirit of our company into a short, bold, and catchy name. The result must be presented in the form of a numbered list.”

As you can see, creating a good prompt is artisanal work that may take a little time at first, but if you consider the elements that make up its structure, you can start today. Let’s look at those elements.

Elements to create quality prompts and get the best responses from Chat GPT 4

To create quality indications that achieve the best results from Chat GPT 4, you must take into account the following elements:

Assign a role. If you want an article for LinkedIn, start the prompt by saying, “Take on the role of an expert content writer for LinkedIn.”

Provide a specific context. Add contextual information. In this case, you can tell what characteristics a post has on this social network, such as an attractive hook, bullet points, and a final CTA encouraging participation.

Pose the specific task. Tell it what you want it to do: “Write a post for LinkedIn about the three best techniques to accelerate content creation.”

Provide additional information. You can provide additional information that further guides the tool: consider the techniques mentioned by the “x” author or the recommendations given by the “x” book by such author.

Provide details of the intended purpose. What do you want to achieve with the publication? Attract a specific audience? Generate leads? Get new clients?

Tone to use. Depending on the audience you are addressing or the editorial line in question, you will want to use a formal, academic, professional tone.

The format in which you want the result. In this example, you can tell it to respect LinkedIn’s publication structure, but you can also ask for the result in tables, paragraphs of a certain length, etc.

Ready to squeeze the full potential of Chat GPT 4

As you can see, Chat GPT 4 is a multifunctional and powerful tool that is transforming the work and professional world. You can start using it today. Just over a year after its launch, they have released new versions with increasingly impressive capabilities.

 The secret to harnessing your potential is learning how to create the best prompts. So much so that Prompts Engineering courses are offering to delve deeper into creating quality prompts that generate quality responses.

From 인사이더비트, we want to offer you the best information about games, practical tutorials, and reviews of new disruptive technologies, such as artificial intelligence chats. Visit our portal to access updated, high-value information. We look forward to hearing from you!


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