Top 5 Parenting Apps to Raise Your Kids Better 


Being a parent may be the toughest job in the world. To take care and prepare your child for the world? That’s daunting but also the most rewarding thing you can do. Unfortunately, parenting skills don’t come automatically by just becoming a parent.

You need to go the extra mile to help your kid engage in the right influences. But you don’t need to take that from us. There are many resources such as parenting apps you can try to get assistance for this crucial task.


That is why we at Insiderbits have come up with 5 parenting apps that can be a blessing in this beautiful journey.

Top 5 Parenting Apps

1. Parental Control – Kidslox

Notable features:

  1. Remotely block your kids’ apps
  2. Set fixed times for smartphone usage
  3. Incentivize positive behavior by granting extra screen time
  4. Utilize GPS tracking to know your child’s location

Available on: Android and iOS

Smartphones’ versatility is a double-edged sword. It is useful but so addictive that not only kids but parents too fall for it. But thankfully, Kidslox sets boundaries between your kid and smartphone. It is a parental control app that empowers you to manage your child’s digital activities.

Kidslox is created to provide you with complete authority and surveillance over what your child does on the phone. Thus, with it, you can control his screen time, block apps, track his location, and much more. It is a must-have if you want to keep your child’s privileges limited only to trusted sources.

Android 및 iOS

2. Happy Kids Timer Chores

Notable features:

  1. Guides children through daily routines
  2. Includes 8 animated chores for the morning
  3. Includes 7 animated chores for bedtime
  4. Provides personalized rewards with certificates

Available on: Android and iOS

Happy Kids Timer automates an important element of a successful day – routine. Thus, you won’t have to always stay beside your kid to check whether he has followed up routine or not. It is a visual timer that streamlines his daily activities for personal growth.

It isn’t a typical routine planner. Instead, it makes doing morning and bedtime chores more fun with animations and by gamifying them with incentives. This app is perfect for kids who need improved time management or the ones dealing with ADHD or autism.

Android 및 iOS

3. The Happy Child Parenting App

Notable features:

  1. Get science-backed insights for effective parenting
  2. Use its years of scientifically backed research and findings
  3. Get Short daily lessons that fit easily into your busy schedule

Available on: Android and iOS

The Happy Child app offers access to research and tips from psychology, neuroscience, and pediatrics about parenting and how love works. Its purpose is to simplify the overwhelming world of parenting advice with short daily lessons that are research-backed.

Developed by a non-profit organization called The Human Improvement Project, it is completely free to use. Using this app and its insights, many of its users have already reported improved relationships with their partners and children.

Android 및 iOS

4. OurFamilyWizard

Notable features:

  1. Secure app for messages, attachments, and communication
  2. Keep records of co-parenting expenses
  3. Create parenting time schedules
  4. Store essential details like clothing sizes, medical records, etc.

Available on: Android and iOS

Many children have to suffer the consequences of their parents’ separation. But it need not affect the love and care they need from their mother and father. Thus, OurFamilyWizard is a co-parenting app that simplifies communication and coordination for separated parents.

It is designed to reduce conflict and allows a child to thrive in post-divorce. OurFamilyWizard saves you time and emotional energy to bring together all the digital co-parenting tools you need in one platform. And the best part is that it is free of ads and subscription fees.

Android 및 iOS

5. Parent Lab

Notable features:

  1. Access expert parenting advice at your fingertips
  2. Engage in weekly group coaching sessions or 1:1 support
  3. Create a customizable routine as a parent
  4. Build great parenting habits easily

Available on: Android and iOS

This app is for you and not your kid because the better you manage yourself, the better you will tackle daily parenting tasks. Parent Lab is a science-backed parenting program that helps parents build new habits, reduce anxiety, and raise happy kids.

Using the years of expertise and their research, it provides you with personalized insights, guided meditations, skill-building activities, self-guided courses, and live coaching to help you create an effective daily parenting practice. 

Parent Lab focuses on avoiding communication breakdowns, resolving conflicts, and building strong parent-child relationships.

Android 및 iOS

관련: Literacy Activities App: Learn to Read and Count


Parenting is too important to leave a stone unturned for your kid’s bright future. Earlier, it used to be a shot in the dark. But, with these 5 parenting apps, it gets much more manageable where you know for sure what you need to do as a parent.


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