Come attivare l'autenticazione a due fattori su Instagram?

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Indeed, enabling two-factor authentication on Instagram is considered a top choice when it comes to security. After activating this mechanism, IG accounts’ vulnerabilities will no longer be problematic. Keep reading, and we will demonstrate the process to help you succeed.

Enable two-factor authentication on Instagram

Before using this form of verification for the photo application, you must know what it means. Also known as 2FA, it is a complementary security mechanism that includes an extra layer of security.


Hacking a network using this protection method is almost impossible because users must log in to their accounts with two identity credentials.

It usually comprises an essential login credential and a code generated by an external platform. It is practically impossible.

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Learn how to enable two-factor authentication on Instagram

To take this measure on this social app, it is essential to have an active IG user profile to log in. Activating this method involves following a couple of steps:

  • Go to IG and select the three stripes located at the top.
  • Choose “account center or management” and then “password.”
  • Choose “double-layer authentication” and select whether you want to receive the confirmation numeric field sent by SMS, validation app, or WhatsApp.

If you decide to use the code generation app, we recommend using Google Authenticator or Duo Mobile. 

Activation from the validation app

This is another ideal option for activating this kind of verification on IG. First, download the pre-selected app and follow the tool’s established sequence of steps. It will generate an authentic code, the master key, to enter your account.

It is important to note that the numeric characters generated by the mobile platform have an expiration time. After being generated, they correspond to a durability time; if too much time passes, they are no longer valid. 

Activation from text message

This option is a little more organic and more straightforward. Once selected, the photo network will send you a 6-digit numerical code via SMS. You must use this every time you enter the app from a new mobile, so you should keep it in a safe place.

If you lose or no longer have the same phone number, you can change and update it. It is essential to keep the number and email up to date to avoid mismatches. 

Activation from WhatsApp

This activation is similar to the previous one; the network even teaches you how to do it. Once you select “Let’s start,” IG will send you an SMS to confirm your authenticity.

After that, you must enter a phone number compatible with WhatsApp. IG will validate your number and send you a 6-character security code. You must enter this code into the social network to complete the security procedure. Once processed, you can use the security system. 

How do you turn off this protection system?

The first step is to enter the social network, specifically the profile, and select the three stripes at the top right. Once inside the space, choose “account center” and “password and security.” Within that option, please select the in-effect method and then deactivate it.  

What happens if you forget your identity validation code?

It is quite possible to forget the identity verification code or no longer have access to mobile devices. In that case, we must resolve the situation via email.

You can take a screenshot of the 2-step verification and send it to the email [email protected]. Next to the image, inserting text explaining the situation is recommended to give IG more context.

Things you should know when activating this type of security

Once this confirmation method is active, you can see the number of times it is started and deny any strange entries. However, if you do not want to use this verification system repeatedly, you can set a constantly used mobile phone as a “trusted device.”

Of course, it must be with a device that is used frequently. If you do not have a mobile phone or you share one, it is recommended that you continue using this step.   

Two codes are enough for maximum data privacy

To enable two-factor authentication on Instagram has saved the integrity of millions of accounts. It is a verification method highly appreciated by networks, banks, digital networks, and others.

For this reason, we hope this information section has helped provide your network with the best level of protection. Speaking of security and data protection, you might be interested in this question: Do you recognize the signs of WhatsApp spying?


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