Top 3 Apps to Tackle Food Waste

द्वारा प्रकाशित

Here is a staggering statistic that will surely settle your doubts about why we are not able to eradicate hunger and malnourishment all over the world:

About one-third of the total food produced is wasted every year. 

This amounts to 1.3 billion tonnes of food that could have been on the plates of many instead of garbage with better food waste management. Thankfully, awareness campaigns and practices are taking place where anyone can contribute (even you) to mitigate this waste.


Are you in? Then our team at Insiderbits has listed here 3 mobile apps using which you can make your invaluable contribution towards tackling food waste.

3 Apps to Stop Wasting Food

1. Too Good To Go

Notable features:

  1. Track the difference you have made (Money and CO2 emission saved)
  2. Save money on your eat-outs by paying much lesser
  3. Get a surprise bag of food

Available on: एंड्रॉयड और आईओएस

Too Good To Go is the world’s #1 food-saving app that encourages everyone to contribute to society by ensuring that all good food gets eaten.

Its concept is that many grocery stores, food shops, cafes, and restaurants have to throw away unsold food that could have gone to feed someone. It connects you with these shops so you can buy that food at a heavily discounted price.

Too Good To Go makes it easy to do so by keeping things simple. All you have to do is download this app and look out for your favorite meal item from the food businesses near you.

Purchase that “Surprise Bag” (as they like to call it) and pay as little as 25% of the original price. Then collect that bag from that shop at the preset time to enjoy it.

एंड्रॉइड और आईओएस

2. Olio

Notable features:

  1. Join its anti-waste community
  2. Prevent anything from being wasted
  3. Sell items or give them away for free
  4. Declutter your home from anything you don’t need

Available on: एंड्रॉयड और आईओएस

Olio isn’t a dedicated app to save food waste but instead focuses more broadly. In other words, its purpose is to save anything from getting wasted. With it, you can give away what you don’t need or get what you need but someone else doesn’t.

It covers widespread items such as food, books, furniture, clothes, toys, etc. Olio allows you to sell or lend your item for free or at a price you see fit. And since it connects over 7 million people around the world, you will always find someone you can help.

Add a photo of your item and set a pick-up location, wait for someone to be interested, complete the trade, and feel happy for helping the planet.

एंड्रॉइड और आईओएस

3. FoodHero

Notable features:

  1. Find surplus food items at a reduced price from your local store
  2. Track your stats such as total water and CO2 emissions saved
  3. Filter by item, category, store, or dietary preference
  4. Earn points for deals and discounts

Available on: एंड्रॉयड और आईओएस

FoodHero is similar to Too Good To Go. It empowers everyone in our society to be a food hero who doesn’t prevent any edible food from getting wasted.

It connects you with your local food merchants to buy surplus food at a discounted price. So, with FoodHero, you will support your local shop owners to purchase unsold food from them, save food from getting wasted, and save money on your purchases.

This is a win-win for you, the merchant, and, most importantly, the world. In it, pick up a food item you would like to eat or a merchant you would like to buy from, place your order, pick it up from the store, and see the stats for your contribution to the society

एंड्रॉइड और आईओएस


Food wastage is a huge issue in our world that not only does injustice to the poor and hungry but also comes back to haunt you by worsening climate change with higher carbon dioxide released.

So, if you feel grateful for the privileges you have, consider giving back to society with your small but crucial steps towards fighting food waste using these apps.


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