Get to Know Yourself With These 3 Best Journaling Apps

द्वारा प्रकाशित

Journaling is said to be one of the most rewarding things you can do to create a better life. It captures your thoughts and your actions throughout the day which gives you the power to reflect and improvise on them.

In fact, many successful writers, leaders, and philosophers swear by the positives journaling brought into their lives and encourage others to take it on as well. Just to name a few, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffet, Richard Branson, and Jennifer Aniston among others.


So, you can’t deny its immense value. But if you choose to, you can dive into it and have your share. Thankfully, you don’t need to drag a notebook everywhere you go as you already have one in your pocket. You just have to download any of the best journaling apps we, at Insiderbits have listed for you.

3 Best Journaling Apps

1. Daylio Journal

उल्लेखनीय विशेषताएं:

  1. Adds photos and audio to your diary
  2. Turn on Dark mode to use it comfortably at night
  3. Get a bigger picture with ‘Year in Pixels’ to visualize mood patterns
  4. Boost security with PIN lock

उपलब्ध: एंड्रॉयड और आईओएस

Daylio Journal offers you something more than just an online notepad to journal on. It is your life tracker which allows you to monitor your daily well-being. So, beyond being a traditional diary, it serves as your fitness companion,  mental health coach, mood tracker, and more.

Thus, you will be gaining insights into your moods, activities, and habits using its intuitive charts and stats so you can know exactly how well you are doing to live the life you want.

This is a perfect journaling app for you if you want to go on the path towards mindfulness and personal development.

Buying Daylio Premium further enhances what it has to offer. For example, no ads, PDF versions of your mood journal, and much more. It comes at $4.99 monthly or $35.99 yearly.

एंड्रॉइड और आईओएस

2. Gratitude

उल्लेखनीय विशेषताएं:

  1. Receive prompts and reminders to build a habit of journaling
  2. Add photos to entries
  3. Access a wealth of motivational content
  4. Create vision boards with goals and multimedia elements

उपलब्ध: एंड्रॉयड और आईओएस

The Gratitude app is a meticulously crafted self-care tool dedicated to enhancing your mental health and fostering self-love. Thus, within this single app, you will get a gratitude journal, positive affirmations, a vision board, and daily motivational content.

It understands that journaling for beginners can be a bit foggy and they need some guidance to get going. So, it offers you prompts to get you started on reflecting on your thoughts and making you see the brighter side of your life.

Gratitude is committed to privacy and ensures that your entries and data are always accessible just for you. For all these reasons, it is already trusted by millions of users across Android and iOS.

एंड्रॉइड और आईओएस

3. Day One Journal

उल्लेखनीय विशेषताएं:

  1. Get different journals for various life aspects
  2. Secure your journal with a passcode or fingerprint lock
  3. Use the “On This Day” feature to revisit memories
  4. Use tags, favorites, and search filters for easy retrieval

उपलब्ध: एंड्रॉयड और आईओएस

Day One is created to reinvent the way you journal, forever. It is like a diary with no end right in your pocket, but the one that can be opened just by you. Thus, with Day One, you are bound to get a private environment to express yourself however you like.

It allows you to add any multimedia to your journaling entries – text, audio, video, and more. All is automatically backed up so never lose it. But what we liked the most about this app is how it reminds you of your past achievements to get you a needed boost in testing times.

With programmable reminders, daily prompts, and an intuitive design, Day One is a top contender to fulfill your journaling needs.

एंड्रॉइड और आईओएस


Journaling has never been easier. Thus, you will be missing out on something life-changing if you still deny integrating it into your life. So, which one of these 3 apps did you like the most? Download it and start capturing your life journey, starting today.


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