The Best Trippie Planning Apps

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Planning a trip can be pretty intimidating, but luckily, some remarkable Trippie apps can make the process much more relaxed. We have compiled a list of four such apps that can help you easily organize your trips.

Preparation is stressful, particularly if you don’t know where to start or are short on time. But don’t worry! Organize your trip without stress with the tools we will leave you below. Poursuivez votre lecture car ce guide est fait pour vous !

Top 5 Best Trippie Planning Apps


In this post, we compile four Trippie apps that will be useful before and during the journey. Not only will they help you plan those days of disconnection, but you can also save money. So, open your notes application because at Idées d'initiés, nous vous présentons quelques outils que vous ne pourrez pas vous empêcher de télécharger.

1.  TripIt

The first tool is TripIt. This agenda is a tool that can assist you in arranging and distributing your itinerary efficiently. In it, you will see:

-      Details of the reserve. You will be able to access hotel and flight booking details instantly. Even when you’re offline.

-      Option to upload documents in different formats.

-      Maps and directions. TripIt comprend tous les outils cartographiques dont vous avez besoin lorsque vous voyagez. Vous localiserez rapidement les restaurants, les parkings et les distributeurs automatiques de billets.

To top it off, it has the “Triple Pro” option. With it, you will get exclusive travel benefits and share real-time flight status alerts. “Pro Subscription” automatically se renouvelle annuellement pour $48.99 à moins que vous ne désactiviez le renouvellement automatique.

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2.  TravelBank

We have already presented you with a tool to unify your itinerary. The second Trippie application that we want to show you is responsible for le calcul et le contrôle du coût des voyages. Il s'agit de TravelBank. It generates reports on the trip cost based on the payments you make. Among its services are the following:

- Recherche de vol.

- Faites connaissance avec quelqu'un qui voyage également.

- Assistance d'un concierge 24 heures sur 24.

- Suivi du kilométrage.

Finally, receipts are managed through instant scanning and sent to the company for reimbursement. Similarly, you can follow your budget to verify it is within the expected limits. As if that weren’t enough, automate your spending by syncing your credit card.

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3.  TripCase

TripCase helps you simplify the itinerary. It contains Flights, car rentals, hotel reservations, dinner plans, driving directions, and expense control. The itinerary is automatically updated via email. If you want to change your travel route, you can do so from the “Timeline” option.

You can even request a transfer, check the weather forecast, or search for alternative flights. One of its most engaging functions is sending accurate and fast information about stations and boarding gates. TripCase is divided into:

-      Part 1. Before the trip. Vous pouvez ajouter les données de réservation à votre compte pour accéder à votre itinéraire où que vous soyez.

-      Part 2. In the airport. It can consult and provide flight data and receive notifications of changes. Likewise, locate your seat on the plane or check real-time availability on seat maps.

Finally, there is the “your destination” function. It gives you quick directions and requests Uber transfers to arrive at your next destination safely.

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4.  Sygic Travel Maps Trip Planner

The last application we want to present is called Sygic Travel Maps Trip Planner. It lets you ideate, plan, book, and adapt vacations in a single instrument. You can also view your itinerary through a map. The Trippie application shows you the following:

• All the places you can visit in the area you plan to travel to.

• Images and descriptions made by professional travel editors responsible for complementing the most famous places.

• Landscape videos of the place you plan to visit.

• Maps based on and adapted so you can walk to your destination and explore it.

• Advanced trip planner.

To conclude, it shows you the best tours and cruises. Moreover, It has powerful search filters to find any site by name or address. This filter offers shopping centers, restaurants, attractions, museums, bars, and art galleries.

Sygic Travel finds places to stay and adds them to your journey so you can see them in the daily itinerary. Furthermore, it offers a guide for the cities, with endless data about the tourist areas.

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The best Trippie app to travel in a brilliant way

Organizing a trip alone is not always a good idea, as errors can arise due to poor preparation. Nonetheless, considering the apps presented, your trips can be successful and fun. Do not waste time! Install any of these applications to organize your journey perfectly and enjoy the process.


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