Les meilleures applications pour apprendre à jouer de l'accordéon

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Are you interested in learning accordion but finding it difficult to attend formal classes due to time constraints? Do you want to find a simple and practical way to start studying this musical instrument? This post is for you if you want to learn accordion.

On this occasion, we will explain in detail the main aspects of some ideal applications for learning to play the accordion. So, stay with us here at Insiderbits and discover these tools.

Five great apps to learn accordion


Learning to play the accordion quickly, easily, and fun is now possible thanks to the applications developed for it. These tools are extremely easy to use and can be downloaded entirely free.

The most significant advantage that these resources offer you is that by downloading them to your mobile device, you can use them whenever and wherever you want. Next, we will explain the main features of the five best apps to learn to play the accordion:

1. Learn to play the accordion

This application offered by CoolFreeApps is a tool designed and developed so that users can quickly learn to play the accordion. Among its main functionalities, the following are notable:

  • Guaranteed learning in just a few days.
  • Classes available for different levels of difficulty.
  • Lots of sheet music to learn many accordion songs.
  • Useful tips for playing the accordion perfectly.
  • Classic accordion lessons.
  • It plays the lessons with the reverse keyboard for those who are left-handed.

Furthermore, with this app, users also have the opportunity to learn how to play Cajun. It is worth noting that this tool is especially suitable for beginners, and it is entirely free to download.

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2. Accordion piano

This is, without a doubt, another of the perfect apps to learn to play the accordion. With this resource, users can simulate the sounds of the accordions of the best brands worldwide. In addition, it has an extensive library that includes high-definition tones and notes recorded by professionals in a studio.

On the other hand, the interface of this application is extremely friendly, easy to use, and fully customizable. Among the main functionalities that this resource contains are the following:

  • Authentic accordion sounds in high definition.
  • It includes seven records.
  • Innovative automatic rhythm learning system.
  • It allows you to record and play the recordings of the instruments of the users themselves.
  • Customizable layout that allows you to configure key size, volume adjustment, keyboard position, and more.
  • Easy-to-use controls.

This application has more than five million downloads. It is one of this style’s most recognized and used tools globally. Users must have an Android version 5.0 or later to install it on their devices. As with the tools above, its download is free.

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3. Mezquite Diatonic Accordion

This application developed in Mexico, in addition to being educational, is exceptionally entertaining. Its main objective is that with it, users can start playing a diatonic button accordion in a fun way. To achieve this, the tool includes the following features:

  • It plays like a real accordion.
  • It includes the four most popular sounds of that accordion: Norteño, Deluxe, Vallenato, and Texano.
  • You can use five tunings.
  • It contains five sounds.
  • It consists of 34 buttons that light up.
  • You can learn to play scales and songs.
  •  Le songs included in the application are constantly updated.
  •  You can advance or rewind the songs at will.
  •  It allows you to store the different configurations.

Also, the application’s interface is beautiful, visually attractive, and ideal for inspiring users. You just have to enter Google Play and install it from there to download it.

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4. Melodeon

Bien que this application is indeed very simple, it is also convenient and guarantees the learning of the instrument. Among the main features of this tool, the following are notable:

  • Its interface and every aspect of it is exceptionally original.
  • Each sound included in the application is recorded in a studio.
  • Low latency to ensure an authentic music experience.

Its download is fast, simple, and free, so it is one of the users’ favorites. This is evidenced by the more than five million installations this application accounts for today.

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5. Accordion Chromatic Button

This is undoubtedly one of the most comprehensive resources for learning to play the accordion. Among its principales fonctionnalités, the ones mentioned below stand out:

  • Its sounds are of exceptionally high definition. They sound the same as a real accordion.
  • It includes three registers installed with the possibility of adding many more.
  • The user can choose the system that he likes best.
  • Vous pouvez customize the number of rows. They can be three, four and five.
  • It has the new automatic rhythm learning system.
  • It allows users to record, playback, and share their performances.
  • Its interface is friendly and fully customizable.

Also, this app has buttons that are very easy to use to adjust the sound volume. In the same way, the app can perfectly simulate the performance of the accordions of the most recognized brands in the world. Of course. However, it admits the possibility of digital purchases.

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Download any of these applications and learn to play the accordion now

We consider these the best tools for learning to play this musical instrument. We sincerely hope that this small selection will help you choose the one that is ideal for you. Here at Insiderbits, we will continuously develop the best content to help you in any way we can, so keep reading.

So download the application that you like the most and learn to play the accordion now!


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