Cours de calcul en ligne pour l'enseignement supérieur

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A calculus course is an excellent alternative for you to get started in the subject and be prepared for when you have to see it at the university level. With this course, you can review all the mathematical content previously seen in your secondary school stage.

At Insiderbits, we want to show you the two best online calculus courses. With them, you will have flexibility in your schedule to study at your own pace without pressure. They are courses taught by important educational academies. The best thing is that they are free.

What are these courses?


Professionals developed the two best free online courses on calculus that we want to present to you. Professors from prestigious universities such as Harvard, California, and Boston College created these programs.

The first course is called Applied Calculus, and you will learn to analyze different mathematical problems that include variables and parameters. Registration is free; however, you must meet a series of requirements, including passing secondary school and having basic knowledge of calculus.

The second course is Pre-university Calculus, and you can review functions, equations, differentiation, integration, and analytical geometry. It is an introductory level taught in various languages, and you will reinforce the knowledge acquired during high school.

These online courses allow you to practice the previous knowledge you have in calculus and learn much more about this subject. In addition, they help you prepare better if you have been considering entering university and taking admission exams.

What is the cost of these online calculus courses for college credit?

The online calculus course is entirely free. You can register from the EDX website. The procedure is effortless: You just open your profile with your data, and then you can enroll in the course you want. You enter the search engine Applied Calculus or Pre-University Calculus and then register.

Although the content is free, you must pay a fee to access your digital certificate at the end of the course. The cost is $209, and your certificate will be given to you at the end of the course. The price may be high, but the certificate is valid internationally.

Online Calculus Course Features

Le calculus course you decide to take gives you unlimited access to all materials, activities, exams, and forums. EDX courses are available in multiple languages and can be accessed at any time of the day and from any device.

You can take the course within ten weeks; however, you can distribute the hours. You should watch the course for 3 to 6 hours per week; however, you can watch more hours if you wish. The courses have evaluation tools to determine if you have passed satisfactorily and understood the content.


Thousands of people have shared their experiences taking courses at EDX. We can find these opinions on the Internet, the majority of which have been positive. One expressed great satisfaction after finishing the course because the interactive classes allowed her to understand the content clearly.

Another review that caught our attention was: “One aspect that I liked about the course was the active and friendly community of students. Forums are a place where you can ask questions, share knowledge, and get support from other students.”

The EDX website is perfectly developed to conduct online classes successfully. It has an integrated chat so students can share opinions and support each other. The videos it provides are of outstanding quality and have verifiable content. It is one of the best platforms for taking online courses.

Learn more about calculus with these free online courses

If you want to learn more about calculus but need more money or time to attend an in-person course, now you have a new opportunity. With EDX, you will save money; you will be able to receive content prepared by professors from prestigious universities and study at your own pace.

At Insiderbits, we want to show you other platforms so you can take cours gratuits. We love supporting people’s personal and educational growth, so we have dedicated ourselves to finding the best online courses.

Share this information with family and friends so they can start studying online. This modality is trending, and millions worldwide have opted for it. You no longer need a whole morning or afternoon to begin exploring.


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