Stop Cyberbullying With This Application

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Stop cyberbullying is not simple. The individual who suffers from it is psychologically harassed by employing digital media, such as social networks. It is an increasing issue that raises significant social concerns. According to the survey carried out by IPSOS, global averages indicate that around 70% of people suffer from cyberbullying.

Although bullying has always existed in society, it has increased significantly. It is now present in innovative techs like the internet and mobile devices. Fortunately, a solution has arrived for this problem that will lead you to rethink, and it is what we want to present to you. So, please don’t stop reading us!

How can we stop cyberbullying?


Souhaitez-vous stop cyberbullying? Nowadays, no one is safe from intimidation. Social media and mobile devices have given rise to cyberbullying. It used to have worse consequences than old-style bullying. Since harassment can last all day, it profoundly affects the lives of our loved ones.

Therefore, that must end; do not allow your loved ones and the people around you to be affected by the phenomenon of Cyberbullying. Below, we invite you to discover an app that will help you rethink before making any decision.

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ReThink – Stops Cyberbullying

According to a study by the think tank “Pew Research Center,” 80% of teenagers share data such as their location, images, and contacts en ligne. Doing that exposes them to cyberbullying that is often not detected by the people around them.

Therefore, we want to introduce you to ReThink, an application that helps you stop cyberbullying and rethink before taking action.

Le ReThink app features award-winning, innovative, non-intrusive, and patented technology. It also effectively detects and stops online hate before it occurs damage. It is not just any application. It is an innovative tool that will help you cultivate a generation of responsible digital citizens.

ReThink Features

Trisha Prabhu created the Stop Cyberbullying app. She is a young woman who was only 13 years old at the time of the app’s creation. Her journey began when she read the tragic story of a girl who committed suicide after being cyberbullied.

As a former victim of en ligne harassment, Trisha knew she had a choice: be a bystander to the silent pandemic of online hate or an Upstander. Since then, she decided to do something to end cyberbullying. The application includes algorithms that detect when a harmful message is being composed. Among its features, the following stand out:

  • Proactive (stops cyberbullying before the damage is done).
  • Effective (works more than 93% of the time).
  • Suitable for teenagers.
  • It works in all applications. From text to email, to detect offensive messages in real-time and allow you to reconsider sending them.

Lastly, it is available in international languages (English, Spanish, Hindi, French, Italian, Greek). With ReThink, you can gain peace of mind and help the young people in your lives develop critical thinking skills.

How to download ReThink?

Pour télécharger l'application, rendez-vous sur le site Google Play store and type the app’s name in the search bar ReThing. Then, follow these steps:

  1. Cliquez sur "Télécharger".
  2. The download will start immediately; you will see the icon on your mobile screen after a few seconds.
  3. Enter the app.
  4. After entering, you will find the app’s primary logo. Wait a few seconds, and it will take you to another screen.

Finally, complete the setup. You can now use it to make more than one person rethink before sending an offensive message.

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Let’s know the tools to stop cyberbullying

As we previously informed you, the objective of ReThink is to notice and stop cyberbullying at its source before it occurs. It is a proactive and effective solution to help teenagers make positive decisions on social media. This app encourages cyberbullies to reflect, at the same time transforming their behaviors and attitudes.

It encourages all netizens to become responsible and positive digital citizens. It is available in the Google Play store and is free, easy to install, and quick to configure. Teachers, directors, and administrators of educational centers have approved it, and police forces recommend its use.

The results of the research were successful. 93% of the time, teens change their minds when they receive thoughtful input about whether to post offensive content. The figures indicate that the willingness to publish this message type is reduced from 71% to 4%.

ReThink can help you

ReThink It has spread to more than 136 countries and reached millions of people worldwide. He has been awarded several awards, including the MIT Solve Elevate Award, the MIT Aristotle Inspire Award, the Diana International Award, and the Innovators Urbana-Champaign Award.

This tool allows you to care for your children’s emotional health and train their emotional skills. This way, you will avoid cases like what happened to Megan Meier, who committed suicide after a teenager rejected her online. Prosecutors said Megan had hanged herself after receiving cruel messages from a young man on the social networking site MySpace.

Another very famous case was that of Rebecca Ann Sedwick. She was a 12-year-old American student who committed suicide by jumping from an abandoned cement factory tower. The investigation into her death led to the conclusion that cyberbullying contributed to the decision to take her own life.

Anyone can be a victim of cyberbullying. The use of information technologies is increasingly starting more prematurely, so at the same time, the risk of being a victim is greater.

But with ReThink, an app to stop cyberbullying, you can rethink before making a mistake. If you are also looking for a multimedia resource, our blog offers MX Player to improve your multimedia experience. Don’t miss it!


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