Lose Weight at Home With This App

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We live in a world where craving for yummy delights comes as soon as hunger strikes. Add to that the comfort of workspaces that toil only our brain while the rest of the body is relaxed on a chair. It is no wonder why obesity is such a common sight.

In fact, nearly 1 in 3 men are overweight in the US as per the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. That is a lot of people at risk of Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease, stroke, hypertension, and many other adverse health effects.


Do you feel being one of them? Then this is a call for you to bring a change for the betterment of your life. The good news is that you don’t need to sweat out for 2-3 hours every day which is impossible for most.

With professional guidance from a man’s weight-losing app, you can get the required results by dedicating only a few minutes a day. Let us at Insiderbits show you one such app.

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Lose Weight App for Men: App Overview and Features

Lose Weight App for Men is one of the most popular choices for people looking to trim down the extra weight they have been carrying for a long time. And, in the process get fitter, healthier, and more confident. It removes all your excuses for lack of time, money, and resources.

With it, you will carry your gym in your pocket. That means you don’t need to pay the hefty fees for a gym or have to buy any equipment. It creates a plan with exercises that you can do on your own at home. Each workout session will last from 5 to 30 minutes depending on your current fitness level.

For beginners, this app will keep it easy with short workout sessions and will go on to increase the challenge as you get used to it. Thus, Lose Weight App for Men fosters habit-building in its users so that fitness gets integrated into their lifestyle.

Caractéristiques :

  1. 3 difficulty levels – This app asks you to set the difficulty of your workout plan. You will have 3 options – Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. So, those just taking their first steps for fitness can go for Beginner. Your challenge and duration of workout sessions increase thereon.
  1. Create your own workout plan – On top of a pre-created 30-day workout plan, you also get to create one for yourself. Just add the exercises of your choice from the collection this app has and you are good to go.
  1. Workout reminder – As you start using this app, it will ask you to set a reminder at a time of your choice. Set the time to dedicate it to your fitness regime and you will be reminded of it daily so you never miss a session.
  1. Track progress – Once you begin working out, Lose Weight App for Men will track your streak, calories burned, weight, and BMI. With that, you will statistically see how far you have made it in your weight loss journey.
  1. Exercise details – It provides you with details of all exercises such as video illustration, instructions, and focus area. Thus, you will know exactly how to perfectly perform an exercise and what is its purpose.

Lose Weight App for Men: Pros and Cons

Pour :

  1. Personalized daily goals and schedule – This weight loss app aims to give you an effective workout plan that matches your needs. That is why it personalizes the experience by analyzing your current weight and the amount of weight you want to reduce.
  1. Adjust to your limitations – Obese people require low-impact exercises that keep their knees safe. Or, for those living in an apartment, jumping may create noise for their neighbors. But, you can easily filter such exercises if you face these issues.
  1. Comes in various languages – English will be the primary language of the app. But, if you prefer your native language, you will have many options to choose from such as Spanish, Italian, French, etc.

Cons :

  1. Don’t include meal plans – Healthy meals are equally important as exercising to be fit. However, Lose Weight App for Men focuses only on the latter. You will have to consult else to crack the complete fitness equation.

Comment télécharger et utiliser cette application

Étape 1 : Cliquez sur l'un des liens ci-dessous pour accéder au Google Play Store/App Store et télécharger l'application.

Download Lose Weight App for Men (Android)

Download Lose Weight App for Men (iOS)

Étape 2 : Open the app and click Start. It will ask you a few questions such as your starting level (beginner, intermediate, or advanced), your height and weight, your target weight, etc. to design a weight loss plan suited for you.

Étape 3 : Once done, it will automatically create a 30-day workout plan and direct you there.

Étape 4 : Start from Day 1 and follow its instructions on the exercises you will have to do. Continue your streak from there to reach your fitness goal.

Evaluation :
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Plate-forme :
Android et iOS
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En rapport : 3 meilleures applications d'entraînement pour l'entraînement à haute intensité


You only have one body. Thus, it demands your utmost care if you intend to prolong its life. Losing your extra weight may be challenging journey but it is a necessary one. However, we believe, if you follow the Lose Weight App for Men, it is as easy as it gets.


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