How to change your face with FaceApp

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Changing your face with FaceApp is one of the social networks’ most frequent and fun trends. In addition to allowing you to see what you will be like with a few years on you, you can also see what you would look like as a different gender. The app itself is fun and allows you to experience various changes.

As well as having fun, you can make more subtle changes to touch up specific features of your face. It has a few requirements, which are always well-considered regarding safeguarding and sharing personal information.

Changing your face with FaceApp is that easy


You might think that changing your face with FaceApp is complicated, but the reality is that it is not. Even though making the result look real seems difficult, this application makes it easy. The first thing will be to download FaceApp from the application store. When you open it for the first time, you will be asked for permission to access your camera and photo gallery.

Once you agree to grant these permissions, the app will ask you for a photo to get started. If you decide to try a picture of the moment, the application will show an oval silhouette as a reference to position your face. It is to properly adjust the distance necessary for the changes to look natural.

If, on the other hand, you prefer a photo from your gallery, you have to select it. Once the image is captured, the fun begins. You will have to change your face with FaceApp with various application filters among the available options. For example, if you want to change gender, you can choose between two male gender types and one female gender.

You can also choose between more straightforward filters such as different hairstyles, age filters, or face swaps. For the latter, the application offers the option to select another photo from the gallery or search for a famous person on the platform.

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How does the app achieve the perfection of its filters?

If you already tried to change your face with FaceApp after our tutorial, you were indeed impressed with the result. The truth is that the application has ensured its virality due to the high realism of its filters. It has made many people try them, and the application remains active.

Like the vast majority, this one works with a critical algorithm to determine how to satisfy its users. Said algorithm determines the traits related to the desired changes, age (wrinkles, hair color…), or gender (type of eyebrows, jaws…). 

Thanks to these characteristic elements stored in memory, the algorithm allows them to be repeated in the managed images. So, by changing any of these age or gender traits, you will have such realistic results.

Making the most of FaceApp

Changing your face with FaceApp is one of the most fun ways to use the app. However, the laughs will pass after you have tried it with all your friends, and you may think about deleting it. However, we recommend you explore it a little more and try other functions.

In addition to the filters mentioned above, it also offers retouching options, such as different types of hairstyles. As well as makeup, face shape adjustments, and automatic retouching. It is a great application to finish perfecting any photograph without completely changing your face.

There are so many editing options that you will be delighted to try.


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