New Jersey License Plate Search: Finding Car History

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When purchasing a used vehicle, it is crucial to do a New Jersey License Plate to know its history to avoid potential pitfalls and ensure a smooth ownership experience. 

In New Jersey, a license plate search can provide valuable insights into a car’s past, including any accidents, previous owners, and even outstanding liens. 


This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of conducting a New Jersey license plate search, highlighting the benefits and available resources to help you make an informed decision when buying a used vehicle.

New Jersey License Plate Search – Legal Framework

In New Jersey, the legal framework surrounding license plate searches is governed by the Driver Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) and the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) regulations. 

These laws and regulations aim to protect the privacy of vehicle owners while still allowing access to certain information for legitimate purposes.

The DPPA restricts the disclosure of personal information obtained from state motor vehicle records, such as name, address, and social security number. However, it also provides exceptions that allow access to vehicle history information for specific reasons, including:

  • Vehicle safety and theft
  • Motor vehicle market research activities
  • Removal of non-owner records Providing notice to owners of towed or impounded vehicles
  • Insurance purposes
  • Vehicle market value, make, model, and year information

The New Jersey MVC also has its own regulations regarding the release of vehicle information. They require individuals or businesses requesting access to vehicle records to provide a valid reason and sign a form acknowledging their understanding of the DPPA and MVC regulations.

It is important to note that while license plate searches are generally legal in New Jersey, individuals must adhere to the DPPA and MVC regulations to ensure they are accessing and using the information for legitimate purposes only.

How to Search for Vehicle Information on New Jersey’s MVC? 

To search for vehicle information on New Jersey’s Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC), follow these step-by-step instructions:

Valid Reason Requirement: Understand that fetching vehicle owner information like name, phone number, and address is considered an invasion of privacy and is protected under the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act (DPPA). 

Form Submission: Fill out the DO-11A form and include a $15 check or money order payable to NJ MVC.

Submission Address: Send the completed form to the following address:

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission

Certified Information Unit

225 East State Street

PO Box 146

Trenton, New Jersey 08666-0146

Processing Time: Note that the MVC may take up to 4 weeks to process your request through this method.

Searching New Jersey’s Vehicle Information Using Third-Party Tools:


  1. Besuchen Sie die SucheQuarry website for a free New Jersey License Plate Lookup.
  2. Geben Sie das vollständige Nummernschild in die Suchfelder ein.
  3. Überprüfen und wählen Sie einen gültigen Grund für die Suche gemäß den Bedingungen.
  4. Sehen Sie sich die Ergebnisse an, die Informationen zum Fahrzeugbesitzer, zur Fahrzeughistorie, zu den technischen Daten und mehr enthalten können.


  1. Öffnen Sie einen Webbrowser und rufen Sie die Seite FindByPlate Website.
  2. Enter the license plate number and select New Jersey as the state.
  3. Zeigen Sie den Bericht an, der Informationen zum Nummernschild enthält.


  1. Zugriff auf die FAXVIN website for a New Jersey License Plate Lookup.
  2. Verwenden Sie das Formular für die Nummernschildsuche zur Eingabe des Kennzeichens.
  3. Die Suche dauert etwa 2 bis 3 Minuten, und die Ergebnisse werden auf Ihrem Gerät angezeigt.
  4. Sie erhalten Informationen wie z. B. Eigentumsaufzeichnungen, Unfallhistorie, Kilometerstände, Diebstahlberichte und vieles mehr.


  1. Besuchen Sie die LookupAplate website for a free New Jersey  License Plate Lookup.
  2. Nutzen Sie die kostenlose Suchoption, um Aufzeichnungen über Fahrzeugdaten, Rückrufe, Serviceleistungen und Verkaufshistorie abzurufen.
  3. Melden Sie auffälliges Verhalten im Straßenverkehr über die Community-Plattform.
  4. Fordern Sie einen umfassenden Bericht von einem ihrer Datenlieferanten an, um genauere Informationen zu erhalten.

What Details Can I Expect from a Free License Plate Lookup in New Jersey?

The free lookup will provide basic information about the vehicle associated with the license plate, such as:

  • Vehicle specifications (make, model, year, engine type, etc.)
  • Technical parameters
  • Community-reported issues

Benefits of Conducting a New Jersey License Plate Search

Vehicle Inspection: Ensure the vehicle’s history is clear before purchasing or leasing

Insurance: Use the information to determine insurance premiums

Purchase Decisions: Make informed decisions about buying or selling a vehicle

Public Safety: Help law enforcement agencies locate stolen vehicles and track criminal activity

New Jersey License Plate Search: Finding Car History – Conclusion

Through a New Jersey license plate search, individuals can verify a vehicle’s background before making purchasing decisions, ensuring transparency and safety in transactions. 

By following the guidelines outlined in this article and leveraging the available resources, users can navigate the process of finding car history with confidence and make informed choices regarding vehicle ownership and transactions.

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