TOP 5 der besten Apps zur Simulation von Elektroinstallationen

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Circuit simulators are powerful tools that enable engineers and designers to simulate electrical installations. 

With countless circuit simulation apps available for different objectives, it is now possible to simulate circuits on a wide selection of tools. 

In this article, InsiderBits will explore the best apps to simulate electrical installations based on ratings and user reviews. 

We will also discuss the benefits of using apps to simulate electrical installations and the pros and cons of each app to simulate electrical installations.

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1 – EveryCircuit – Circuit Simulator App:

simulate electrical installations

EveryCircuit is a great app to simulate electrical installations. It’s easy to use and helps both beginners and experts learn about electronics. The app shows how circuits work in real time, which is a big plus. It has many electronic parts to choose from, and you can even create your own circuits. However, some advanced features require payment.

EveryCircuit – Circuit Simulator App – Features:

  1. Real-Time Simulation: EveryCircuit offers real-time simulation, allowing users to see how electronic circuits behave immediately as they create and modify them. This feature provides instant feedback on circuit designs.
  1. Extensive Component Library: The app to simulate electrical installations provides a comprehensive library of electronic components, including resistors, capacitors, transistors, and more. Users can easily select and place these components in their circuits.
  1. Pädagogische Ressourcen: EveryCircuit provides educational content and explanations about electronic circuit theory, making it a valuable tool for learning electronic concepts while simulating circuits.

Profis: Easy to use, real-time simulation, educational explanations.

Nachteile: Some features require payment.


2 – Logic Circuit Simulator Pro:

simulate electrical installations

Logic Circuit Simulator Pro is a useful app to simulate electrical installations. Its intuitive interface and educational features make it a great tool for beginners, while its advanced capabilities make it suitable for experts as well. The ability to import, export, and share circuits also makes it easy to collaborate with others

Logic Circuit Simulator Pro – Features:

  1. Digital Logic Simulation: Logic Circuit Simulator Pro specializes in digital logic circuits, making it ideal for those focused on logic gate design and digital electronics. 
  1. Custom Component Creation: Users can create custom digital components, which is especially useful when designing unique logic circuits. This feature adds flexibility to the simulation process.
  1. Advanced Simulation Options: The app to simulate electrical installations offers advanced simulation options like timing analysis and state machine design, making it suitable for digital circuit engineers and students studying digital systems.

Vorteile: Lots of information, easy to navigate, intuitive interface.

Nachteile: Some users reported crashes.


3 – CircuitSafari SPICE Simulator:

simulate electrical installations

CircuitSafari SPICE Simulator is a strong app to simulate electrical installations. It’s good for both professionals and students. You can make complex circuits and see how they work accurately. You can also export your results. However, it might be kind of complex to use.

CircuitSafari SPICE Simulator – Features:

  1. Complex Circuit Support: Users can design and simulate complex circuits involving various components.
  1. Export and Analyze Results: The app to simulate electrical installations allows users to export simulation results for further analysis in external tools.

Vorteile: Accurate simulation, supports complex circuits, result exporting.

Nachteile: Can be complicated for beginners.


4 – DroidTesla:

simulate electrical installations

DroidTesla is a user-friendly app to simulate electrical installations on Android devices. It’s great for beginners and beginners. You can easily drag and drop parts to create circuits and see how they work. However, it may not have all the features for advanced projects.

DroidTesla – Features:

  1. Benutzerfreundliches Interface: DroidTesla is designed with an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it accessible to beginners who want to experiment with electronic circuit design.
  1. Drag-and-Drop Functionality: Users can easily drag and drop electronic components onto the canvas, simplifying the circuit creation process and making it ideal for those new to circuit design.

Vorteile: User-friendly, good for beginners.

Nachteile: Limited for advanced projects.


5 – PROTO – Circuit Simulator: A Beginner-Friendly Journey into Electronics

simulate electrical installations

PROTO is a user-friendly circuit simulator app to simulate electrical installations designed with beginners in mind. If you’ve ever been curious about how electronic circuits work but felt intimidated by the complexity, PROTO is an excellent entry point.

PROTO – Features:

  1. Beginner-Focused Pre-Designed Circuits: PROTO offers a range of pre-designed circuits, perfect for beginners who want to experiment with electronics without the need for extensive prior knowledge.
  1. Interactive Simulations: The app provides real-time simulations that allow users to interact with and observe circuit behavior as they modify and experiment with components.
  1. Educational Explanations: PROTO includes educational content and descriptions for each component and circuit, making it an ideal tool for learning the fundamentals of electronics while simulating circuits.

Vorteile: Wide library of components

Nachteile: Ads


How to use an app to simulate electrical installations?

Using an app to simulate electrical installations is a simple and straightforward process. Although the apps are different, it is almost always the same process. Here are some steps on how to use an app to simulate electrical installations:

  1. Choose a circuit simulator app that suits your needs and download it from the App Store or Google Play Store.
  1. Open the app and familiarize yourself with the user interface and features.
  1. Create a new circuit design by selecting the appropriate components from the app’s library and placing them on the virtual editor.
  1. Connect the components by drawing wires or using other features.
  1. Configure the properties of each component, such as resistance, capacitance, and voltage.
  1. Run a simulation of the circuit.
  1. Observe the behavior of the circuit during the simulation, including voltage, current, and power readings, and make adjustments to the circuit design as needed.
  1. Save the circuit design for future use or share it with others via email or social media, if you want to.

In conclusion, apps to simulate electrical installations are powerful tools that enable engineers and designers to simulate the behavior of electrical circuits under different conditions.

 By providing a realistic simulation of the interactions between various electronic components, circuit simulators allow users to explore the behavior of circuits before committing resources to physical production.

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