Best Apps for Free Regex Online Lessons 

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Kennen Sie regex? These are search patterns that are made up of sequences of characters. Regex, short for regex, enables the detection of combinations of characters in a text.

Computer applications and text editors typically use regex, which utilizes symbols from the alphabet. Regex is imperative in the programming world and seeks to detect strings to, in turn, identify errors.

Top 5 of the best apps for online regex


There are many platforms on the web where you can learn regex online. However, at Insiderbits, we tell you the five best applications to help you on this learning journey.

They can all be found in the Play Store, so there will be no excuses to improve your skills in this exciting language.

1.  RegEx Off

RegEx Off is a puzzle game that allows you to practice regex completely free. It seeks to challenge the skills of its players at all levels.

In this CMGCode application, you can solve other players’ puzzles and create your own, sharing them with the user community. It is ideal for those with solid knowledge of this language, making it perfect for learning and improving.

It has more than half a million downloads in the Play Store, and its users’ opinions are mostly good. At only 19MB, it is not an app that consumes a lot of space.


2.  RegEx Generator

If you are looking for a simple application, RegEx Generator is the one. This goodKode app easily creates the expressions you need. You only have to write what you need, and the expression will be generated automatically.

This is thanks to the GUI interface, a graphic that comforts the RegEx Generator user. Additionally, reference sheets can be consulted for more complex expressions.

It’s free, but you can request permissions when reporting update issues. It has more than 50 thousand downloads.

3.  Regex Crossword

Regex Crossword is an app created by Ole Michelsen. It has over 5,000 downloads, and as soon as you open it, you are shown a tutorial on how to start using it.

It works like a regular puzzle, only with regex. As you overcome achievements and reach goals, you will compete with other players to reach the top.

You can also create your puzzles and share them with the community. Thus, there will always be a supply of Regex lessons to learn. This app should be distinct from the next one on the list.


4.  Regex Crossword

Regex Crossword by Carsten Hagemann Apps is another online lesson app that uses crossword puzzles as a learning method. These games are grouped by difficulty levels, so as you progress, they become more and more difficult.

It’s free, has over a thousand downloads, and only weighs 2MB. You will have no excuses to learn about search patterns!


5.  RegEx Tool

It is the most recent application to offer online Regex lessons, launched in 2024. RegEx Tool provides a very educational tutorial from the beginning, where you can review the basic concepts of regex.

The difficulty of the levels will increase with practice, so it is progressive learning. You can also try your regex and evaluate the results in real-time.

The creators, Jakub Sosna, comment that this app is perfect for data analysts, programmers, and anyone who wants to learn about these expressions. There is no age limit! You can become an expert in the subject with just a little practice.


How was Regex created?

It began in 1943 as a neuroscientific concept by Warren S. McCulloch and Walter Pitts. However, mathematician Stephen Kleen named it after combining the scientists’ ideas above with algebra.

Ken Thompson later implemented it so editors could find specific patterns in text files. Thus, it became part of education software and today’s programming languages.

Thanks to Larry Wall, regex became popular in the late 1980s. It was because they went from being just a text-processing language to a programming language using symbols from the alphabet.

Developers mainly use regex in projects that involve Python and JavaScript terminology. Although regexes are complex to learn, they are almost the foundational language of programming and word processors.

Why learn about regex?

If you are starting in the world of applications or text editing, Regex is essential. Because? Because you need to create and find regex in a large string of characters that you wouldn’t be able to see otherwise.

It, in turn, allows information to be extracted more simply, whether from spreadsheets, files, or programming code. It speeds up work; for this reason, it is a complex language requiring practice and solid knowledge.

From Insiderbits, we invite you to use some of the applications that we have recommended. They are beneficial, and you can access daily and free lessons wherever possible.


Thanks to Insiderbits, you now know the best five apps to learn about Regex. We invite you to plan your learning day with another beautiful tool. Here, you can learn about the Today App, an excellent application for organizing yourself daily.  


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