5 تطبيقات لتعزيز صحتك العقلية

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In this fast-changing world, stress has become a constant companion for all regardless of its form. You may be tensed over a tight deadline for your project, unhealthy relationships, or poor health. 

Stress creates a spiral motion that produces more of it and destroys other areas of life. The solution to them all starts with your mental wellness because it helps you think clearly and make better decisions. 


So, are you ready to give mental wellness the attention it deserves? Then, here are 5 apps that will become your next spiritual teacher to empower you to handle anything.

Top 5 Mobile Apps for Mental Wellness

1. Calm

المميزات البارزة:

  1. Access expert-led meditation sessions
  2. Enjoy bedtime stories, sleep sounds, and calming music
  3. Track emotional well-being and mindfulness progress
  4. Integrate with Wear OS

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Calm is the go-to app for millions of people seeking a solution for managing stress, improving sleep quality, and living a better life. For that, it has a huge and diverse collection of sleep stories narrated with a soothing voice and exercises for breathing and stretching.

This ensures that it stays suited for both beginners and experienced practitioners. The Calm app also provides you with a daily mindfulness program and mental health coaching. Thus, it is the perfect app if you want expert-led training to live a better life.

50 مليون+
أندرويد وiOS

2. Headspace

المميزات البارزة:

  1. Create optimal conditions for restful sleep
  2. Learn breathwork for relaxation
  3. Incorporate mindful movement, stretching, and mood-boosting workouts
  4. Improve focus with meditations

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Headspace is your everyday mental wellness and meditation companion that sets you up for a better day ahead ready to take on any challenge. With a library of over 500 meditations, sleep sounds, and calming music, it empowers you to reduce stress and relax better.

No matter how hectic your schedule looks or what your current level of practice is, Headspace makes sure it offers you personalized assistance that suits your needs. For further betterment, it guides you to improve your focus and fitness with expert-designed exercises.

10 مليون+
أندرويد وiOS

3. Intellect

المميزات البارزة:

  1. Understand emotions better with a mood tracker
  2. Get quick support for overwhelming feelings
  3. Access certified behavioral health coaches
  4. Journal your thoughts, feelings, or anything

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You may find its name misleading because, more than your intelligence, it is a solution for modern mental wellness. Intellect addresses motivation, mental burnout, and productivity challenges such that you are sure to see a positive change inside and outside you.

For mental wellness, it takes on the approach of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) that is validated by psychologists and behavioral experts. Recognized as one of Google’s Best Apps of 2020, Intellect’s effectiveness has helped it reach users from over 50 countries.

1 مليون+
أندرويد وiOS

4. Sanvello

المميزات البارزة:

  1. Take assessments to determine stress, anxiety, and depression scores
  2. Explore a library of mental exercises and meditations
  3. Connect with the community through discussion boards and chat groups
  4. Go on guided journeys with wellness experts

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Sanvello is created for those struggling with anxiety, depression, burnout, loneliness, and overwhelm to serve as a personalized mental health companion. This app provides you with coping techniques, meditations, and a mood tracker that is designed for breakthroughs.

As you make progress, Sanvello will suggest you exact tools you need based on your current pattern for further progress. 

With self-care as its prime focus, the app makes sure that you take time yourself by performing various activities, assessments, and guided journeys consistently.

1 مليون+
ذكري المظهر

5. BetterMe

المميزات البارزة:

  1. Set goals like reducing anxiety, improving sleep, etc.
  2. Get a personalized approach as per your goals
  3. Meditate daily with just 3-minute sessions
  4. Get guided and unguided meditations

متوفر على: ذكري المظهر

Are you one of those who find meditation challenging? Then BetterMe is the app most suited for you to start enjoying the benefits of this amazing practice. All you have to do is dedicate 5 minutes a day to this app to achieve a state of calm and wellness.

It has guided meditations, breathing exercises, and practical relaxation techniques that aim to boost your mental wellness and fuse your daily stress. BetterMe also takes care of making the journey as enjoyable as possible for you with a personalized daily plan.

1 مليون+
ذكري المظهر

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Mental wellness isn’t a luxury but a necessity. With the bombardment of anxiety-filled news, hard-to-handle tasks, and carefully engineered temptations, it is hard for positivity to thrive in your mind. 

But it gets much easier when a wellness expert grabs your hand and shows you the right path. So, use any of these apps to give your wellness an environment to blossom.


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