Try These 3 AI-Powered Assistant Apps

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AI has been doing wonders for the past couple of decades. But the real shocker only came when ChatGPT was launched in November 2022. But do you know you may also have been underutilizing a powerful AI available to you for many years on your phone?

AI assistant apps aren’t a new thing and they are getting better and better with each passing day. Currently, 3 such apps dominate this service – Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and Apple Siri. Each of them has lots of capabilities to ease your life.


So, we, at Insiderbits, are going to take a closer look at each of them so you can use their powers better from now onwards.

3 Best AI Voice Assistant Apps

1. Google Assistant

المميزات البارزة:

  1. Control your phone and smart home devices using just your voice
  2. Set reminders and alarms
  3. Make calls and send texts to anyone easily
  4. Get personalized help and information

متوفر على: ذكري المظهر و اي او اس

Google Assistant is built-in on all the Android phones that come these days and appears with a long press of the power button. If it isn’t available on your phone, you can download it as well. Its purpose is to give you a hands-free way to use your phone.

Thus, you can ask it to make a Google search, remind you about anything at a specific time, set alarms, call or text someone, manage your schedule, and even control smart devices while away from your phone (they must be compatible). 

Thus, it acts as your assistant that takes care of your small tasks and makes you organized. Here are some of the input ideas for you to try:

  1. Show me the directions to New York from my current location.
  2. Find Indian restaurants nearby.
  3. How is traffic to work?
  4. Remind me to call Sandra every day at 9 PM
  5. What is on my schedule right now?
أندرويد وiOS

2. Amazon Alexa

المميزات البارزة:

  1. Adapts to your voice, vocabulary, and personal preferences
  2. Set up your Alexa-enabled devices
  3. Create shopping and to-do lists on the go
  4. Start where you left off your music, book, or tasks.

متوفر على: ذكري المظهر و اي او اس

Amazon Alexa turns your device into a smart home control center and a personal assistant. Just say its name and her ears will go straight up listening to your command. First of all, it lets you set up your Alexa-enabled devices which further enhances its powers.

But, if we talk about just its general capabilities, you can still extract a lot of value out of it. For example, it organizes your day with to-do and shopping lists, weather updates, and alarms. It also serves you well if you want to listen to music or audiobooks from your streaming services.

Here are some of the sample commands to give it:

  1. How many ounces are in a pound?
  2. Turn the music off in 10 minutes
  3. Wake me up every day at 6 AM
  4. What’s on my to-do list?
  5. What’s in the news?
أكثر من 100 مليون
أندرويد وiOS

3. Siri

المميزات البارزة:

  1. Make phone calls and send text messages
  2. Play music from your preferred streaming service
  3. Get directions to your destination wherever you want to go
  4. Find where you parked your car

متوفر على: Built-in on all Apple devices

Siri is only available for Apple users. Just like other apps, it is designed to make normal tasks easier and more convenient for you. So, using Siri, you can set reminders, manage calendars, send messages, control your smart home, play your favorite music, and much more.

However, what makes Siri a reliable assistant for you is its learning ability. It learns from your habits and preferences to suggest relevant actions and information even before you ask. It also prioritizes privacy so that your data stays secure.

Try these sample commands to get started with Siri:

  1. Text Sam “I will be there in 30 minutes.”
  2. Remind me to check emails when I get to the office
  3. Give me directions to home
  4. Play me some light music
  5. Set a pizza timer for 10 minutes

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These AI assistants are getting more and more sophisticated to help you with more and more tasks. Start embracing them and you would be surprised how much they can save you on time and effort.


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