3 Apps that Support Charitable Causes

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Some apps support Charitable causes with which you can change many people’s lives. With a minimal contribution, you would make a difference in needy populations in some parts of the world.

Insiderbits presents you with three applications designed so that, with your help, you can contribute to promoting charitable projects. If you are determined to make that difference, read on and find out how you can help.

How technology helps charitable causes


There will always be someone willing to lend a helping hand to charitable causes to create a positive social impact. Improving our environment is now more manageable, and it is a possibility that is available to more people. With just a few clicks, you can transform many people’s lives. Keep reading.

1.  ShareTheMeal

This application is part of the UN Food Program, winner of the Nobel Prize 2020. Just a few clicks are enough for you to be part of those who collaborate in this program. The benefits have been immediate:

• More than 180 million meals have been shared.

• Since 2016, it has been receiving awards thanks to the help it represents and its effectiveness. ShareTheMeal lets you:

•      Share a meal with people in need from any area of the world, no matter where you are.

•      Monitor the destination of your donation and who you help.

•      Involve your community through challenges so that they also help.

•      In addition to delivering food, the app tracks its impact.

You can also contribute to specific programs, such as helping children in Nigeria. There is an aid to refugees from Jordan or to displaced people from Myanmar.

Users in some countries regret being unable to donate due to the difficulty of sending money from there. However, the vast majority are enthusiastic about the initiative and the ease of making a humanitarian contribution.

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2.  Worldpackers

 Would you like to obtain accommodation only by working for your peers? If you are a traveler, Worldpackers connects you with hosts who are waiting to accommodate you in exchange for work.

•      Securely confirm your trips.

•      Puts you in touch with millions of hosts in 140 countries.

•      There are 18 projects in which you can collaborate.

•      You have insurance in case something gets out of control.

•      Support team assistance in 3 languages, 24/7.

•      There is an academic program where you take classes and learn from the experiences of other volunteers.

With little money, you can have a great experience in foreign lands doing volunteer work and with NGOs. There are more than 100 countries where you can contribute your skills to improve many people’s lives. Hosts provide accommodation while you work. Besides, you can earn money with the app.

For example, when you sign up for the program, you will get a code and achieve three positive reviews. When you recommend the app, each new person who signs up with that code will earn you $10. Insiderbits has heard of specific problems with some accommodations, but users are generally happy.

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3.  Be My Eyes

It’s good to feel helpful to someone who needs help. With Be My Eyes, You can assist people with visual disabilities and get them to solve minor problems. These people use the rear camera of their cell phones to communicate with a volunteer.

The volunteer receives an attendance notification, and responding activates a video or audio call. In this way, it helps others know a product’s expiration date, for example. This network of volunteers is extensive, and if, for any reason, you are unable to answer, the call will be forwarded to another volunteer.

It is good to highlight that blind people should be patient when requesting. They are real people who are going to help you, and they may take some time. Requests are typically responded to within an average of 60 seconds.

Thousands of people have been satisfactorily assisted. However, some deficiencies have been reported. Especially when it comes to devices, since the iPhone has specific functionalities that Android does not, some users demand better quality in the video call image. However, the comments are highly positive.

1 مليون+
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Support charitable causes

Many non-profit organizations are waiting for you to help people in need worldwide. This is your chance if you are willing to make a better world.

By the way, do you need a virtual wallet to move your money without problems? Insiderbits invites you to quickly discover how to send and receive money with the Venmo app. Open that post and find out. You’re going to like it!


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