The 4 Best Apps to See Your Child’s Face

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So, you are eager to see how your future baby will look. Thankfully, that’s as easy as making a few clicks to find out. There are many apps to see your child’s face available these days that determine the look of your future baby based on the faces of the father and mother.

But, we, at Insiderbits, have made it even easier for you by compiling a list of four of the best apps to see your child’s face. Let’s get started.

Why See How Your Baby’s Face Will Look Like


These apps to see your child’s face are just meant to be for fun. But they give you an idea of what can be the result of two partners. 

Keep in mind that your baby’s face depends a lot on genetics and other biological factors which are hard to be captured in an app. So, these apps rely a lot on the facial features of the two people and that’s why you shouldn’t expect accurate answers from these apps 

Now, let’s look at the best apps to see your child’s face.

1. BabyGenerator

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BabyGenerator uses the power of artificial intelligence to predict the future baby’s face as per the images of the 2 parents. One of its notable features that particularly interested us is that you can also set the age of your future baby so you get its face accordingly.

Once you download the app on your phone, just add the photos of would-be parents, enter the gender and age of your child, and press the heart button to get your baby’s face.

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2. Life Palmistry

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As it’s clear from the name itself, Life Palmistry is more than just an app to predict a baby’s face. It does a lot more than that such as: providing palmistry analysis reports, predicting your future face, showing gender-changed faces, love/career counseling, and much more.

But, for what’s important to us right now, it also does a good job of imagining a baby’s face depending on the faces of the parents.

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3. BabyPredictor

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BabyPredictor goes even one step further than the BabyGenerator app. Rather than just automatically analyzing the parents’ faces, this app lets you decide which parent should the baby’s face be more like.

Thus, here, in addition to inputting the parents’ face and the gender and age of the baby, you will also have to add the weightage of the parents (such as 50:50, 60:40. etc.).

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4. Babylab

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BabyLab is built with artificial intelligence and machine learning to more accurately predict the baby’s face. In fact, it claims to be 99% accurate in its analysis. That aside, how BabyLab works is very similar to the others. In other words, it’s easy and quick to start using it.

It’s fun to play with as you can try it with your friends and celebrities. Just insert the photos, input the other details, and you are done. However, you need to upgrade to the pro version if you use the app-picked celeb images as any of the parents.

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That’s a fun way to imagine your family’s future, and it can also be a helpful way to bond with your partner and plan for your family.

However, it’s important to remember that these apps are not meant to be taken seriously as accurate predictions. There are many factors that can affect the appearance of a child, such as genetics, environment, and lifestyle.

So, while it’s fun to see what your future child might look like, don’t expect the results of these apps to be 100% accurate.


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