How To Create An Online Course?

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Creating an online course is possible if you put your mind to it. With a clear objective and a correct communication strategy, offering paths on the Net can be a great opportunity if you dedicate the required time. Education is one of the markets that has the most place on the Internet and is constantly in demand from users.

For the path to work, you must follow several steps and make several decisions. But don’t worry—here are a series of recommendations to help you start your educational project in cyberspace.

Create an online course: choose the category.


If you create an online course, you must know what proposal you want to offer. If you know your topic well, you can plan all your content better; there can be many training categories.

Here are some tips to help you determine the method you want to offer and assess it overall.


One of the most relevant things is to know the topic of your path in detail. Whether you dictate the program’s contents, hire someone, or offer the information in another way, it is essential to know the topic well.

Each niche manages its logic, which will determine the course format you are about to take. Study the topic you are working on in-depth.

Modality and duration

Something essential to define is the modality. Paths on the Web have the advantage of being synchronous or asynchronous. However, there is a substantial difference between one modality and the other in budget and organization.

Asynchronous sequences are generally cheaper since hiring teachers or spending as much time teaching classes is unnecessary. However, synchronous sequences usually offer better training since students can address doubts and queries with someone in real-time.

The modality is essential to defining paths on the Internet, which have the advantage of being able to be taken synchronously or asynchronously. There is a substantial difference between one modality and the other in budget and organization.

Asynchronous sequences are generally cheaper since hiring teachers or spending as much time teaching classes is unnecessary. However, synchronous sequences usually offer better training since students can address doubts and queries with someone in real-time.

Target audiences

Once you have defined and mastered the area, identify the audience for your path. That is, you must study what users need in the program and what they are trying to achieve with learning.

Each theme has its particular dynamics and target audience interested in the topic. Your job is to thoroughly research what your audience is asking for and create an offer according to that demand.

Marketing and advertising plan

Creating an online course involves crucial marketing and advertising planning. You can have the best training program or be an expert in your subject; you may even have studied your target audience very well, but this will only be useful if you have a marketing and advertising plan.

Once you have identified your target audience, the challenge is to deliver your training to them, making them want to participate and learn what they need. One of the biggest challenges in creating your training program will be developing a good advertising and marketing plan and an effective communication strategy.

Prices and competition

Another critical point is the price of your training program. Setting a value for your training on the Internet will be challenging if you want to make a living from selling it. If you have invested a lot of work into creating the training, you may charge a higher price. If you are an expert, you will also want to charge accordingly.

In any case, the important thing is to balance your content, your work, and your financial objectives. A fundamental step is studying the competition’s prices; this will serve as a reference at the beginning.

By studying the competition, you can offer unique features in your training program. You can differentiate yourself through pricing or content. If you charge a higher price than others, you should provide something additional or highlight the unique aspects your training offers that the competition does not.

Define a structure

Creating an online course or designing content in a school requires a structure that defines students’ and users’ journeys through learning. This structure will help you organize the training content, such as activities, evaluations, and student tasks.

An excellent way to define a structure is to list the program’s stages and activities. Although the types of training vary depending on their subject matter, most share certain features. Detailing and working well on each aspect of your training program will help you create an effective structure.

General Features

Let’s list the general features that primarily constitute training programs on the Internet:

  • Introduction: The first connection with the students/users is crucial as it introduces the form and content. It serves as a welcome to the program.
  • Contents: It includes all the information provided for learning. These materials run throughout the program and broadly define its structure, including modules or thematic units.
  • Practical Activities: These are the tasks that students carry out to acquire and apply the curricular content. Depending on the program, they can include questionnaires, summaries, or hands-on activities.
  • Complementary Resources: These resources assist students in understanding the content and completing activities. They can be videos, tutorials, examples, or reading material.
  • Collaborative Spaces: These are essential for cyberspace training programs. They allow students to share their experiences with others through participatory forums.
  • Final Work and Conclusion: Typically, training programs culminate in a final project that synthesizes and concludes all the content covered.
  • Evaluations and Feedback: The return of work and final assessment determines the student’s learning level and final grades regarding the training.

These are some common characteristics and traits of paths. Although it is not an exhaustive list, and some more aspects could be mentioned, these will help you organize and define a structure to create your online course.

Keep the learning objectives in mind

It is essential to maintain sight of the learning objectives in training. If you want to train experts in a particular topic, the learning will be much deeper and more complex. You must put more effort into designing activities and be stricter in the evaluations.

But suppose your path is focused on teaching a specific task, such as repairing something at home. In that case, it will be enough for you to corroborate the students’ abilities practically and effectively.

These objectives are derived from studying your audience and their desires. It would be best to evaluate whether your target audience wants to specialize in depth or learn something easy and quick.

Select a suitable platform for your online course

Selecting an appropriate platform to offer your program will significantly influence its success and results. There are several platforms where you can provide your course. Let’s look at some of the best-known.

  • Udemy is one of the largest platforms for training programs. It offers many tools for creating content, and the platform retains a percentage of sales. It has a large global audience.
  • Skillshare. This site focuses on creative and practical training, such as graphic design, photography, writing, and professional development. Instructors can earn money through membership income and royalties.
  • Teachable allows instructors to create and sell training programs under their own brand and domain. It offers customization and marketing tools.
  • Thinkific: A platform that enables instructors to customize their website and training content. It also provides marketing and analytics tools.
  • Kajabi offers a comprehensive solution for creating, selling, and marketing training programs. It includes features like website hosting, email marketing, and member management.

As you will see, all of these platforms include a specific monetization model, and each one has its particularities. Some focus more on a particular niche, while others offer more customization benefits and marketing resources. It’s just a matter of knowing your needs and choosing some!

Create your website

The other option to create an online course is through your website. This option is for those who want to become professionals by selling their training programs. Creating your website allows you to customize everything your program needs to meet its objectives. Unlike platforms that enable you to offer online training, creating a website means you must handle everything on your own.

On the platforms, the advantage is that everything is ready for you to create your program and start offering it. Conversely, you will need to do all this work with your website.

Remember that this option will be much more expensive if you need to learn how to design your website, as you need to hire someone. Even so, it is an excellent long-term option if you want to dedicate yourself professionally to selling your training programs.

Create your online course and initiate your adventure

We have come this far with this series of tips to create your online course. Don’t forget that it is indispensable to have clear objectives. We hope it has been helpful. If you want to learn more content like this, we recommend browsing the courses section of our website. Good luck!


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